áttekint Bluesun Holiday Village Bonaca - Nice hotel situated in a beautiful village with a great beach. Friendly and helpful staff, very good food.értékelés | Hrvaska.net

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8.3 / 10
Keresztnév Kristin K.
helyiség Tromsø
ország Norway
datum 2013-03-17 22:19:06
dicséret Nice hotel situated in a beautiful village with a great beach. Friendly and helpful staff, very good food.
panaszok The only problem we have experienced in this hotel is that there is only air conditioning in one room, so that it can get very hot in the other room in the night. We tried to turn up the air conditioning system, but then it got too cold for the person sleeping beneath it.
tanácsok a többi utas számára
szolgáltatás 8.5
ár/minőség kapcsolat 8.5
alvás 7
tisztaság 8.5
elhelyezkedés 8.5
szobák 8.5
medencék 8.5
étkezés 8.5
személyzet 8.5