Recensione Amadria Park Hotel Jure - Fine place for those who prefer leasury holiday without too much activities, very nice hotel, food is delicious, Croazia recensioni |

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8.7 / 10
nome Nataliya
posto Moscow
nazione Russia
data 2018-09-04 12:23:27
Tipo di alloggio
raccomandazioni Fine place for those who prefer leasury holiday without too much activities, very nice hotel, food is delicious
reclami Wi-Fi was not accessible in the rooms, the place itself is very isolated, not too much activities, nowhere to go in the evening, far from Shibenik, nothing around, few restaurants, prices are quite high in comparison with other popular resorts in Croatia
il vostro consiglio ad altri viaggiatori Good place to visit once, no wish to return )))
servizio 10
rapporto qualità prezzo 8.5
dormire 8.5
pulizia 8.5
posizione 5.5
camere 8.5
piscina 10
vitto 10
personale 10
Wi-Fi 7
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