Remisens hotel Epidaurus
Remisens hotel Epidaurus

Remisens hotel Epidaurus

Remisens hotel Epidaurus
A 2017-ben teljesen felújított Remisens Hotel Epidaurus szálloda közvetlenül a kavicsos strandon található, wellness-szel és szabadtéri úszómedencével. Dubrovnik, Cavtat, Dél-Dalmácia, Horvátország
A Remisens Hotel Epidaurus szálloda Cavtat-ban, közvetlenül a kavicsos strandon található a Tiha-öbölben. A hotel az óvárostól 1 kilométerre van.
- Strand: 50 méter
Kavicsos strand az Epidaurus Hotel előtt.
A Remisens Hotel Epidaurus 2017-ben volt felújítva: 312 fürdőszobás szoba, recepció, étterem, lobby, kert.A hotelnek 3-5 emelete van és 4 liftje. A Recepció non-stop működik a nap 24 órájában, minden szállás klimatizált, és a hotel teljes területe wifi zóna.
A szálloda közelében van parkolási lehetőség.
a szálloda ajánlata:
Gyermekek számára 3 éves korig ingyenes a kiságy.Az étterem egy része a gyermeké, ahol a gyerekek ehetnek pizzát, rágcsálnivalókat, tésztaféléket, és játszhatnak a játszótéren.
- Nagy szabadtéri úszómedence: 220 m2
- Gyermekmedence: 32 m2
- Szauna (a Hotel Albatros-ban, extra kiegészítés)
- Hotel fitness (a Hotel Albatros-ban, extra kiegészítés)
- Spa élmények (masszázs, kezelések - extra kiegészítő a Hotel Albatros-ban)
- Kert: 900 m
- Játszótér.
- Külföldi újságok.
Animáció gyermekek számára.
Délutáni animáció: minden nap (élőzene, DJ, zongorajáték, tánc)
Éjszakai animáció: a Club Lookea animátorai által
extra kiegészítés: banán cső, biliárd, búvárkodás, vízibicikli, tenisz, vízisí, röplabda, futball, vízi aerobic a medencében
allowed: 20 EUR/day (no food)
A szoba mérete16-19 m2, a park és utcai oldalon. Erkély nincs.Dupla ágy (2x90x200) vagy nagyméretű ágy (160x190).
Fürdőszoba zuhannyal, telefon, wifi, minibár.
Babaágy igényelhető..
Superior szoba, erkéllyel, a tenger felöli oldalon (nincs közvetlen rálátás a tengerre). Szobaméret: 16-19 m2.Dupla ágy (2x90x200) vagy egy nagyméretű ágy (160x190).
Fürdőszoba zuhannyal.
Wifi, telefon, AC, széf, minibár.
A szoba mérete 16-23 m2, erkéllyel és kilátással a tengerre. A hálószobában egy nagyméretű ágy (160x190) van vagy egy dupla ágy (2x90x200). Fürdőszoba zuhannyal.Pótágy 80x190.
Klíma, wifi, TV, telefon, széf, minibár, hajszárító.
Room Economy Twin is 16 m2 big. Bathroom with shower.Tv, AC, minibar, telephone, hair dryer.
Family room on park side is 20-30 m2 big on park side. Bathroom with shower or bathtub. Big bed and extra bed-bunk bed.Wifi, minibar, telephone, hair dryer.
Standard twin room is 16-19 m2 with garden view and balcony. Bathroom with shower.Minibar, TV, AC, telephone.
Jó tudni
Kültéri szezonális medence
Beltéri szezonális medence
50 m
Kavicsos strand az Epidaurus Hotel előtt.
Szállás | Szolgáltatás |
Az ár tartalma:
- Overnight with breakfast
- Entrance into outdoor pool
- Animation for children and adults
- Entrance into indoor pool in hotel Remisens Albatros (heated sea water)
No prepayment is needed, pay at the property. A credit card is required at the time of booking to guarantee the reservation. The Hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize credit card prior to arrival.
Payment options:
• cash payment in the official currency of the country where the property is located,
• by debit or credit card: MasterCard, Diners Club, Visa, Maestro (if you pay by credit or debit card, your card will be charged by the official currency of the country where the property is located).
Note: If the official currency of your country is different from the currency of the country where you have paid with your card, please note that your bank uses its own exchange rates for money transfers, which may cause differences between amounts booked and amounts paid.
You can cancel or modify your reservation free of charge until 7 days before arrival. After that, your credit card will be charged 100% of the first unused overnight stay per accommodation unit.
In the case of a no-show without prior cancellation of the reservation, the entire amount of the reserved stay will be charged. In the case of early departure, 100% of the first unused overnight stay per accommodation unit will be charged.
If Hotel cancels the reservations due to its business decision not to provide accommodation services at the time of the contracted reservations, caused by economic, legal and other business restrictions, all caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic or the consequences of this pandemic, or for any other business reason, and therefore cannot provide the contracted service, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages or for any costs caused to the guest. Pursuant to the foregoing, the parties hereto agree that each party shall bear its own costs under this Contract/reservation. If the conditions specified in this provision of the General Conditions occur, the liability of Hotel for any damage to the guest, a contractual penalty, penalties, as well as the application of the Frankfurt Tables for compensation of travellers, shall be excluded, and, upon the occurrence of the aforementioned conditions (hotel operations not starting), the Contract/reservation shall be deemed to have been terminated by mutual agreement and in a timely manner.
- Tourist tax
- Parking
Extra supplements:
- Baby cot:
- Pets:
Szállás | Szolgáltatás |
Az ár tartalma:
- Half board (dinner and breakfast)
- Entrance into outdoor pool
- Animation for children and adults
- Entrance into indoor pool in hotel Remisens Albatros (heated sea water)
No prepayment is needed, pay at the property. A credit card is required at the time of booking to guarantee the reservation. The Hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize credit card prior to arrival.
Payment options:
• cash payment in the official currency of the country where the property is located,
• by debit or credit card: MasterCard, Diners Club, Visa, Maestro (if you pay by credit or debit card, your card will be charged by the official currency of the country where the property is located).
Note: If the official currency of your country is different from the currency of the country where you have paid with your card, please note that your bank uses its own exchange rates for money transfers, which may cause differences between amounts booked and amounts paid.
You can cancel or modify your reservation free of charge until 7 days before arrival. After that, your credit card will be charged 100% of the first unused overnight stay per accommodation unit.
In the case of a no-show without prior cancellation of the reservation, the entire amount of the reserved stay will be charged. In the case of early departure, 100% of the first unused overnight stay per accommodation unit will be charged.
If Hotel cancels the reservations due to its business decision not to provide accommodation services at the time of the contracted reservations, caused by economic, legal and other business restrictions, all caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic or the consequences of this pandemic, or for any other business reason, and therefore cannot provide the contracted service, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages or for any costs caused to the guest. Pursuant to the foregoing, the parties hereto agree that each party shall bear its own costs under this Contract/reservation. If the conditions specified in this provision of the General Conditions occur, the liability of Hotel for any damage to the guest, a contractual penalty, penalties, as well as the application of the Frankfurt Tables for compensation of travellers, shall be excluded, and, upon the occurrence of the aforementioned conditions (hotel operations not starting), the Contract/reservation shall be deemed to have been terminated by mutual agreement and in a timely manner.
- Tourist tax
- Parking
Extra supplements:
- Baby cot:
- Pets:
Szállás | Szolgáltatás |
Az ár tartalma:
- Overnight with breakfast
- Entrance into outdoor pool
- Animation for children and adults
- Entrance into indoor pool in hotel Remisens Albatros (heated sea water)
Your credit card will be charged immediately upon confirmation of the reservation for the entire booked amount (except for tourist tax, which will be charged upon arrival at the reception of the accommodation property).
Your credit card will be charged for an amount in the official currency of the country in which the accommodation property is located.
Note: If the official currency of your country is different from the currency of the country where you have paid with your card, please note that your bank uses its own exchange rates for money transfers, which may cause differences between amounts booked and amounts paid.
Reservation cannot be modified or cancelled. The payed amount is not refundable.
If Hotel cancels the reservations due to its business decision not to provide accommodation services at the time of the contracted reservations, caused by economic, legal and other business restrictions, all caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic or the consequences of this pandemic, or for any other business reason, and therefore cannot provide the contracted service, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages or for any costs caused to the guest. Pursuant to the foregoing, the parties hereto agree that each party shall bear its own costs under this Contract/reservation. If the conditions specified in this provision of the General Conditions occur, the liability of Hotel for any damage to the guest, a contractual penalty, penalties, as well as the application of the Frankfurt Tables for compensation of travellers, shall be excluded, and, upon the occurrence of the aforementioned conditions (hotel operations not starting), the Contract/reservation shall be deemed to have been terminated by mutual agreement and in a timely manner.
If, due to measures specifically prescribed by the competent public authorities or for the protection of the health and life of people prescribed by Hotel, and caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, Hotel cannot provide any contracted service such as the use of a swimming pool, spa, etc., but not limited to the aforementioned services, and must modify the same, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages, contractual penalty or penalties due to the aforementioned inability to provide services.
- Tourist tax
- Parking
Extra supplements:
- Baby cot:
- Pets:
Szállás | Szolgáltatás |
Az ár tartalma:
- Half board (dinner and breakfast)
- Entrance into outdoor pool
- Animation for children and adults
- Entrance into indoor pool in hotel Remisens Albatros (heated sea water)
Your credit card will be charged immediately upon confirmation of the reservation for the entire booked amount (except for tourist tax, which will be charged upon arrival at the reception of the accommodation property).
Your credit card will be charged for an amount in the official currency of the country in which the accommodation property is located.
Note: If the official currency of your country is different from the currency of the country where you have paid with your card, please note that your bank uses its own exchange rates for money transfers, which may cause differences between amounts booked and amounts paid.
Reservation cannot be modified or cancelled. The payed amount is not refundable.
If Hotel cancels the reservations due to its business decision not to provide accommodation services at the time of the contracted reservations, caused by economic, legal and other business restrictions, all caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic or the consequences of this pandemic, or for any other business reason, and therefore cannot provide the contracted service, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages or for any costs caused to the guest. Pursuant to the foregoing, the parties hereto agree that each party shall bear its own costs under this Contract/reservation. If the conditions specified in this provision of the General Conditions occur, the liability of Hotel for any damage to the guest, a contractual penalty, penalties, as well as the application of the Frankfurt Tables for compensation of travellers, shall be excluded, and, upon the occurrence of the aforementioned conditions (hotel operations not starting), the Contract/reservation shall be deemed to have been terminated by mutual agreement and in a timely manner.
If, due to measures specifically prescribed by the competent public authorities or for the protection of the health and life of people prescribed by Hotel, and caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, Hotel cannot provide any contracted service such as the use of a swimming pool, spa, etc., but not limited to the aforementioned services, and must modify the same, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages, contractual penalty or penalties due to the aforementioned inability to provide services.
- Tourist tax
- Parking
Extra supplements:
- Baby cot:
- Pets:
Szállás | Szolgáltatás |
Az ár tartalma:
- Overnight with breakfast
- Entrance into outdoor pool
- Animation for children and adults
- Entrance into indoor pool in hotel Remisens Albatros (heated sea water)
No prepayment is needed, pay at the property. A credit card is required at the time of booking to guarantee the reservation. The Hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize credit card prior to arrival.
Payment options:
• cash payment in the official currency of the country where the property is located,
• by debit or credit card: MasterCard, Diners Club, Visa, Maestro (if you pay by credit or debit card, your card will be charged by the official currency of the country where the property is located).
Note: If the official currency of your country is different from the currency of the country where you have paid with your card, please note that your bank uses its own exchange rates for money transfers, which may cause differences between amounts booked and amounts paid.
You can cancel or modify your reservation free of charge until 10 days before arrival. After that, your credit card will be charged 100% of the first unused overnight stay per accommodation unit.
In the case of a no-show without prior cancellation of the reservation, the entire amount of the reserved stay will be charged. In the case of early departure, 100% of the first unused overnight stay per accommodation unit will be charged.
If Hotel cancels the reservations due to its business decision not to provide accommodation services at the time of the contracted reservations, caused by economic, legal and other business restrictions, all caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic or the consequences of this pandemic, or for any other business reason, and therefore cannot provide the contracted service, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages or for any costs caused to the guest. Pursuant to the foregoing, the parties hereto agree that each party shall bear its own costs under this Contract/reservation. If the conditions specified in this provision of the General Conditions occur, the liability of Hotel for any damage to the guest, a contractual penalty, penalties, as well as the application of the Frankfurt Tables for compensation of travellers, shall be excluded, and, upon the occurrence of the aforementioned conditions (hotel operations not starting), the Contract/reservation shall be deemed to have been terminated by mutual agreement and in a timely manner.
If, due to measures specifically prescribed by the competent public authorities or for the protection of the health and life of people prescribed by Hotel, and caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, Hotel cannot provide any contracted service such as the use of a swimming pool, spa, etc., but not limited to the aforementioned services, and must modify the same, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages, contractual penalty or penalties due to the aforementioned inability to provide services.
- Tourist tax
- Parking
Extra supplements:
- Baby cot:
- Pets:
Szállás | Szolgáltatás |
Az ár tartalma:
- Half board (dinner and breakfast)
- Entrance into outdoor pool
- Animation for children and adults
- Entrance into indoor pool in hotel Remisens Albatros (heated sea water)
No prepayment is needed, pay at the property. A credit card is required at the time of booking to guarantee the reservation. The Hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize credit card prior to arrival.
Payment options:
• cash payment in the official currency of the country where the property is located,
• by debit or credit card: MasterCard, Diners Club, Visa, Maestro (if you pay by credit or debit card, your card will be charged by the official currency of the country where the property is located).
Note: If the official currency of your country is different from the currency of the country where you have paid with your card, please note that your bank uses its own exchange rates for money transfers, which may cause differences between amounts booked and amounts paid.
You can cancel or modify your reservation free of charge until 10 days before arrival. After that, your credit card will be charged 100% of the first unused overnight stay per accommodation unit.
In the case of a no-show without prior cancellation of the reservation, the entire amount of the reserved stay will be charged. In the case of early departure, 100% of the first unused overnight stay per accommodation unit will be charged.
If Hotel cancels the reservations due to its business decision not to provide accommodation services at the time of the contracted reservations, caused by economic, legal and other business restrictions, all caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic or the consequences of this pandemic, or for any other business reason, and therefore cannot provide the contracted service, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages or for any costs caused to the guest. Pursuant to the foregoing, the parties hereto agree that each party shall bear its own costs under this Contract/reservation. If the conditions specified in this provision of the General Conditions occur, the liability of Hotel for any damage to the guest, a contractual penalty, penalties, as well as the application of the Frankfurt Tables for compensation of travellers, shall be excluded, and, upon the occurrence of the aforementioned conditions (hotel operations not starting), the Contract/reservation shall be deemed to have been terminated by mutual agreement and in a timely manner.
If, due to measures specifically prescribed by the competent public authorities or for the protection of the health and life of people prescribed by Hotel, and caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, Hotel cannot provide any contracted service such as the use of a swimming pool, spa, etc., but not limited to the aforementioned services, and must modify the same, Hotel shall not be liable for any damages, contractual penalty or penalties due to the aforementioned inability to provide services.
- Tourist tax
- Parking
Extra supplements:
- Baby cot:
- Pets: