Insurance in case of cancellation of holidays |

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Insurance in case of cancellation of holidays

Insurance in case of cancellation
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Insurance in case of cancellation of holidays

general terms - Insurance company - Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.

minimum 10,85 EUR or
+ 4,03% on total amount (up to 2 people on insurance policy)
+ 4,22% on total amount (up to and including 5 people on insurance policy)
+ 4,42% on total amount (more than 5 people on insurance policy)

minimum 10,85 EUR or
+ 5,67% on total amount (up to 2 people on insurance policy)
+ 5,95% on total amount (up to and including 5 people on insurance policy)
+ 6,23% on total amount (more than 5 people on insurance policy)

The General Terms & Conditions for Tourist Travel Cancellation Risk Insurance

Dear customers,

Part of offer is also insurance in case of cancellation. We will refund all your money if one of the events specified below occur:

a) accident, death or an unexpected deterioration of the health condition of the Insured Party preventing them to participate in the trip;
b) pregnancy;
c) accident, death or an unexpected deterioration of the health condition of the family members of the Insured Party who are not travelling with the Insured Party (i.e. are not his/her travelling companions), if such circumstances make it impossible for the Insured Party to participate in the trip. In case of an accident or an unexpected deterioration of the health condition of the family members, coverage is provided if home treatment, non-hospital care or hospital care of the family member in question is required, and if the presence of the Insured Party is necessary.

a) accident, death or an unexpected deterioration of the health condition of the Insured Party preventing them to participate in the trip;
b) pregnancy;
c) accident, death or an unexpected deterioration of the health condition of the family members of the Insured Party who are not travelling with the Insured Party (i.e. are not his/her travelling companions), if such circumstances make it impossible for the Insured Party to participate in the trip. In case of an accident or an unexpected deterioration of the health condition of the family members, coverage is provided if home treatment, non-hospital care or hospital care of the family member in question is required, and if the presence of the Insured Party is necessary.
d) financial damage caused to the property of the Insured Party in his/her place of residence, wherein said damage arises as a result of an earthquake, flood, fire, storm, hail, avalanche, explosion, robbery or a B&E and requires unavoidable presence of the Insured Party;
e) summons of judicial and administrative authorities where the presence of the Insured Party is unavoidable;
f) unexpected loss of employment of the Insured Party of indefinite duration which is subject to the termination of the Employer through no fault of the Insured Party;
g) recruitment to a new job position which applies to an Insured Party who was unemployed before concluding the contract and
who does not have the right to make use of his/her annual leave as of yet;
h) filing of a divorce request with the competent court directly before a common trip of the married couple covered by the insurance policy is to take place, but after they have already paid for the trip and taken out said insurance;
i) due to the lack of snow during ski season. Decommissioning of ski runs and facilities is considered as lack of snow.
exclusively due to lack of snow in the chosen ski resort where the passenger paid for his/her skiing arrangement, namely during the last three days before the beginning of the trip, or little before said three days, providing that the weather forecast can be used to confirm that, until the departure, there is definitely no more snowfall to be expected. Travel cancellation due to lack of snow can only be exercised for skiing arrangements. The Insurance Company covers the cancellation fee if such an event is not covered by another insurance policy or another warranty;
j) if, due to an outbreak of an epidemic and/or pandemic of a certain disease, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia advises against travelling;
k) due to an organ transplant performed on the Insured Party, if the date has been determined or communicated to the Insured Party after this insurance has been concluded;
l) health care treatment of the Insured Party in a health care facility, if the date has been determined or communicated to the Insured Party after this insurance has been concluded;
m) an operation of the Insured Party, if its date has been determined or communicated to the Insured Party after this insurance has been concluded.


(1) The Insured Party shall report an insurance claim to the Insurance Company on the basis of a filled out form for reporting damages. In particular, the Insured Party must submit the following documents along with their claim:
1) documented calculation of expenses incurred due to the cancellation of the trip;
2) the trip purchase contract concluded between the Travel Service Provider and the Insured Party/Parties, as well as the Terms and Conditions of the costs related to the cancellation of said trip;
3) a written notice of the Insured Party notifying the Travel Service Provider of the fact that he/she is cancelling the trip, evidencing a termination date;
4) the insurance policy;
5) a certificate of deposits made to the Travel Service Provider for the purpose of the trip;
6) any accident, pregnancy, or unexpected deterioration of his/her health condition preventing the Insured Party to travel must be documented by a medical certificate or proof of hospitalisation of the Insured Party or of the person that the Insured Party is referring to. Exact timeframes of medical restrictions, the diagnosis and, specifically, the indication of the cause of the impossibility to travel must be stated in the aforementioned medical certificate. The Insurance Company reserves itself the right to obtain a professional opinion from its censor doctor related to the inability of participating in the trip;
7) death of the Insured Party and/or the people that the Insured Party is referring to must be documented by a death certificate;
8) when the Insured Party is referring to family members, their family relationship must be apparent from the claim documentation;
9) all documents, powers, or authentic certificates issued by competent institutions and confirming the existence of an insurance event;
10) in case of a request of the judicial and administrative authorities where the personal presence of the Insured Party is mandatory, the insurance claim must be documented by an appropriate certificate from the competent judicial or administrative authority, from which it is apparent that a deferral of the hearing has not been granted;
11) the ticket to the event, with respect to which the reimbursement of cancellation costs is being claimed;
12) the insurance company can request other evidence and statements during the process of dealing with the compensation claim.

(2) In case that the insurance has been taken out on behalf of a third party, and when the insurance claims in the framework of this insurance are being submitted by the Travel Service Provider (the Policyholder), the latter must enclose to the insurance claim an authorisation by the Insured Party to act on his behalf and for his account in exercising the insurance sum and document it in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph.

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